The purpose of Kundalini is to activate your energy, or shakti. This is a spiritual energy that’s said to be located at the base of your spine.

As Kundalini yoga awakens this energy, it enhances your awareness and helps you move past your ego. The Inner Woman, the Serpent Power, Kundalini Shakti, is present in many esoteric traditions. This energy is said to be there since birth, and in most of us, it lies dormant. In a way, it is like a cable with a plug point that might not have found its energy socket. The practice is  called “yoga of awareness.

The term “Kundalini” comes from the Sanskrit word “kundal,” which means “circular.” It also refers to a coiled snake. And according to practitioners, Kundalini energy is like that coiled snake: it sits at the base of your spine, sleeping and unaroused.

My mission is the create a place of so much Love, a place where Ego is lost and Infinity is experienced.

Kids Kundalini

The best gift to give your child.

We are seeing more children that are coming from a higher realm. Their souls are open channels that are seeking that deeper connection to their inner self. Kundalini yoga enhances the values already within them. The beautiful kriyas in Kundalini yoga help children find their own inner depth and grow from an ego free mind.

This yoga helps children keep a clear perspective of who they are and what they are supposed to do on this Earth.

In my experience in working with children for years, children are little Gurus. They are angelic by nature and a lot of them have made a commitment on another realm to make a difference on this Earth.

Teach kids to find their SAT NAM… their true essence.

My program is especially prepared to awaken the Kundalini in the body, but also cleanse the body of blockages. Arrange a personal session with me and open yourself to experience the bliss: the path of embodied spirituality that will bring you more love, happiness and peace than ever before.

This can be an experience like no other, and most people who have experienced it say that they feel completely transformed afterwards. The body, mind and spirit are opened up to new levels of pleasure, consciousness, and bliss.

The spirit experiences what many describe as an “awakening”— a feeling that some part of your being has been permanently changed or expanded in some way that’s hard to explain but easy to feel!

This can even include physical sensations such as tingling sensations throughout the body or waves of heat radiating outward from the spine area while sitting upright with eyes closed during meditation. It’s an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to aid in healing, releasing stress and anxiety.

Kundalini Awakening Treatments

Kundalini is a very powerful and intense healing form of energy that is lying dormant at the base of the spine, mooladhara (root) chakra which can be awakened by different methods. It is compared to a snake coiled and sleeping within mooladhara chakra, the lowest energy center of sushumna, the spinal cord.

Once awakened, the Kundalini will rise from its resting-place under the sacrum and move up the spine, energizing and healing, eventually re-circulating throughout the entire body. The Kundalini is known to infuse a tremendous amount of energy into a person, and has an incredible ability to heal almost any affliction, be it physical, emotional or spiritual.  

Kundalini awakening treatment is the method of awakening latent powers of super consciousness that are dormant in humans within their sushumna nadi or spinal cord. Moving Kundalini energy up the energy chakras or special energy centers in the sushumna opens the doors of knowledge and blissful divine experiences.

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