I can help because I've been there.

Because every person is different, I offer a free discovery call to find out which healing process will work best for you.

Read below to get an idea, and then let’s have a chat!

Conscious Psychotherapy Counseling

Transform everyday reality into that special world where experience and answers to life’s deepest questions appear. My work is based on my own personal experiences where I was on the other side.

During my years of professional work I have had the opportunity to work with many healers from around the world. I have developed my own seasoned practice of conscious psychotherapy, conflict resolution, deep rooted shadow work working with conditioned patterns of behaviors. I offer a combination of modern psychology and ancient spiritual practices.

My biggest belief is that the spirit influences the state of mind.

Many paths lead to healing and creating a meaningful life. But a central aspect to all of this is the respect for the powerful and irrational forces that we sometimes cannot control. I share my knowledge and experience of working with these irrational forces.

The result is a sense of self that is independent of society, time and space.

Death Coaching

For those dealing with a terminal diagnosis, and/or a debilitating fear of death; let’s die before you die so you can let go of the fear and know you’re eternal. 

Death awareness has been a very important practice for me and I’ve done it very intensively, over the years. As a Death Doula and Death Coach, I work with people to dissolve the mother of all fears. Death represents the ultimate journey into the unknown, but there are ways to know the truth of what is waiting for us before we leave our bodies. 

For all those preparing for the transition into the afterlife, I will help you feel soul-connected and surrendered into the mystery of this departing. She is a huge champion of death and the afterlife, and can help anyone feel the truth of our immortal, soulful connection.

I help you with karmic cleansing and to energetically uncover all the places in your life that feel stuck, negative, or fearful, and support you in bringing positive energy to relationships and events that are holding you back from feeling more light and love.

Shining the Light of Death on Life

So why formally contemplate our own death while we are still alive? Why are we preparing for our own death? Formal meditation can be very helpful in arousing and letting go of the fears which are latent in us, especially the fear we all have of dying and with which we may not be in touch.

Birth and death are the same. One, we get excited about and celebrate. The other, we dread and push away. The fear of death means that many people can’t even think about it, let alone discuss its harsh realities. In the West especially, our culture shies away from the topic, yet it’s an unavoidable experience. One day, we are sure to die. One day, a loved one will pass. Death is a part of life.

Facing our own mortality can be uncomfortable and, for some, distressing. But when we befriend death — when we approach death mindfully — its force doesn’t necessarily derail us in the same way. The grief and pain are still deeply felt, of course, but we are better equipped to accept loss and make peace with death. In addressing the prospect of dying, we open ourselves up to every little nuance of what it means to be alive.

Awareness around our mortality helps us focus on our approach to life, on who and what matters, on what’s worth fighting for, and what’s not. It might sound counterintuitive, but in acknowledging death, we become more alive. It puts everything into perspective.

Mindful death means facing death. By facing death, the idea is that we remove ourselves from the fear of death. Death is the great unknown — we don’t know the how, the when, or the where — and the mind tends to fear what’s unknown.

I do 1 on 1 coaching with the person who is transitioning and also with the loved ones that struggle with the loss. I teach different levels of workshops on the different phases of the dying process and also teach how to control your death process and how to choose your next incarnation.


The word “Reiki” means “mysterious atmosphere, miraculous sign.” It comes from the Japanese words “rei,” meaning universal, and “ki,” meaning life energy

Reiki is a practice of Universal Energy Healing. Energy can stagnate in the body where there has been physical injury or even emotional pain. In time, these energy blocks can cause illness. Clear the body vessels and spirit of any stuck energy from past stories, looping patterns, limited conditioning and programming, or past traumas in order to create balanced harmonics to restore someone’s energetic field so it can be the optimal vehicle for souls truth once again.

Reiki gives you the chance to receive time and energy for YOU.  No need to give or be anything for anyone. There is no judgment, nor expectation on or from you.  Whatever you receive is yours. Often, the recipient will see colours, feel heat or coolness from the practitioner’s hands.  Usually, they drop into meditative state where healing can occur and can calm the endocrine system, which can help reduce anxiety, stress levels, tension etc.

As a Reiki Practitioner, I sense and feel things. The energy will go where the recipient needs and often I am drawn to areas to direct the energy.  Every session is different, as every client or person has a different need at that particularly moment in time. 

I also offer a combination of Reiki and Abhyanga oil massage – treating the body, mind and spirit – promoting healing, stress reduction and relaxation. Group, individual and distant Reiki sessions are available.

Ayurvedic Kundalini Head Massage

Kunadalini Head massage allows you to access deep, core blockages held in the third eye and crown centre to open the possibility for clear channels for kundalini energy flow. Our thoughts are composed of experiences, traumas, memories, beliefs, neural patterns, and deeply held emotional complexities.

In the Kundalini Massage, we work through the relationship between the unconscious mind, the body and energy to reframe the individual into a clearer and more conscious individual that resides in their body vessel. The awareness leads to the awakening.

The massage is a gentle sustained focus of attention inward, a conversation through psychoanalysis, a heightened sensitivity to specific areas of the body and the ability to observe and name the contents of consciousness.

$60 for a 1 hour session.

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